
Goal setting is extremely important.

I know that for me, having a list of written goals, steps to reach those goals, and a timeline in which to accomplish those goals has helped me to establish myself as a premium bookkeeper.

But reaching the goals we set for ourselves is not always easy and sometimes we don’t always accomplish every goal we set for ourselves.


I have a solution that will drastically increase your ability to accomplish your financial goals.


To introduce this solution, let’s start by analyzing the 3 most basic parts of a building.

  1. First, we need a foundation which of course is necessary to evenly distribute the building load.

  2. Next, we need walls to keep the things we want inside, inside and the things we want outside, outside.

  3. And finally, we need a roof to protect us from the outside elements.


Which of these 3 parts of the building is the most important?

This is a silly example for you because you are a great architect! Of course the foundation is the most important part because every other part relies on the foundation of the building. You could have a beautiful 5 story building with thick walls and a solid roof but if the foundation is not strong the building won’t be standing for long.


Let’s take this same approach with your financial goals.


Like the example above, the most important part of your financial goals is….

The foundation!

The foundation, in terms of your financial goals, is the ability to make informed decisions.

If you can’t make informed financial decisions then every other aspect of your architect firm will suffer.


There are a lot of architect firms out there. Many are doing great and others are struggling but when it comes down to it, the difference between an average firm and a great firm is the ability to make informed financial decisions.


So… How do you make informed financial decisions?


I’m glad you asked.


To make informed financial decisions you MUST have two things:

  1. Complete, accurate, and up-to-date financial statements.


    2. The ability to understand how to use those financial statements.


Do you have both?


A qualified bookkeeper can supply you with the first requirement (a bookkeeper that specializes in bookkeeping for architects would be even better) and a teacher / adviser can help you with the second requirement.


Your results will amaze you!


Once you’ve got a strong foundation, which is the ability to make informed financial decisions, you are now ready to streamline your firm’s operations and create a road map to financial success.